Contact Us
For software projects : We provide complete runnable source code via Google Drive. Using remote tools like AnyDesk or Google Meet deployment will be done with full Expalanation.
For Hardware Projects : Once Kit work is completed we share demo video first to students to see full functionality and features of the project before they receive the complete kit. It helps set expectations and can lead to valuable feedback.
Minor modifications like name change ,color and fonts are accepted.
Major modifications like module integration or algorithm changes are accepted after Checking feasibility and at extra cost.
Software Projects cannot be returned once code shared.
Hardware Projects are developed on the request basis ,so cannot be returned back but if there is any malfunction or modification (at extra cost based on the additional components) that will be accepted and corrected.(Kit has to be couriered to our address)
YES, we do accept Own Concepts / Ideas based on student requirements.
YES , we are supporting Research and paper work for various Journal (ex. Scopus, IEEE ,Elsevier , Springer etc)
Paper works includes plagiarism report, Paper Publishing and Patent rights