RasRaspberry PiRas


Raspberry Pi

Introduction to Raspberry Pi

  1.  Different Models of Raspberry Pi
  2. Why Raspberry Pi.
  3.  Peripherals of Raspberry Pi.

Preparing Your Raspberry Pi for First Use

  1. Different Operating Systems for Raspberry pi.
  2. Getting Started With NOOBS
  3.   Booting for the First time.

Setting Up for a Perfect Pi Experience

  1. Operation Procedures.
  2. Do’s and Don’ts.
  3. Updating Pi to Latest softwares.
  4. Setting various Options and Personalizing.
  5. First introduction to the LINUX terminal.
  6.   Connecting to the Network and Troubleshooting.

Getting Familiar with the GPIO Pins of your Pi

  1.  Pin numbering Formats.
  2.  The Voltage hazard Information.
  3. The LED Interfacing.
  4. General information on other pins and their functionality.
  5. The First Button Interface with Raspberry Pi.

Setting Up Pi to be Accessed Remotely

  1.  Remote Computing Basics.
  2. Connecting Raspberry Pi to a Remote Access Client.
  3. Using Raspberry Pi Remotely.
  4. Introduction to IoT
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