Introduction to the Internet of Things

  1. The Internet of Things
  2. The Basics of Sensors & Actuators
  3.  Introduction to Cloud Computing

Understanding and Introduction to RPi

  1. What is SOC?
  2. Versions of Raspberry Pi & Their Difference
  3. Raspberry Pi 

OS Installation on SD Card  

  1. Raspberry Pi SD Installer  

OS Configuration 

  1.  Booting Into Desktop
  2. Setting Up Using GUI
  3. Setting Up Using Command Line
  4. Finding Pi’s IP Address
  5. Connecting with Wi-Fi/ LAN/ Datacard
  6. Understanding Python
  7. Condition Statement
  8. Loops
  9. Importing Libraries
  10. Functions
  11. Cloud Computing
  12. Communicating with the Cloud using Web Services.
  13. Cloud Computing & IoT.
  14. Popular Cloud Computing Services for Sensor Management.
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