Showing 1–12 of 42 results

A Machine Learning Framework for Early-Stage Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Aim:           To apply machine learning techniques result in improving the accuracy in the prediction of Autism Spectrum Disorder Abstract:

A Machine Learning-Based Classification and Prediction Technique for DDoS Attacks

Aim:           We proposed a complete systematic approach to detect DDOS attack using machine learning algorithm.  Abstract:           Distributed network

A Modular Ice Cream Factory Dataset on Anomalies in Sensors to Support Machine Learning Research in Manufacturing Systems

Aim:            The aim of creating a modular ice cream factory dataset on anomalies in sensors to support machine learning

A Pragmatic Approach of Heart and Liver Disease Prediction using Machine Learning Classifiers

Aim: To apply various machine learning algorithms to analyze medical data and predict the likelihood of heart and liver diseases, assisting healthcare professionals in making informed decisions for diagnosis and treatment.

Agricultural Loan Recommender System – A Machine Learning Approach

Aim:           To determine the loan approval system using machine learning algorithms. Abstract:             Loan approval is a very

Application of IoT and Artificial Intelligence in Road Safety

Aim:          This paper explores the advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine Learning in the field

Automated Smart Attendance System Using Face Recognition

Aim:      To detect and recognize the face using real time attendance system based on LBPH algorithm. Abstract:       Face

Auxiliary Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Based on Machine Learning and Hybrid Strategy

Aim:       The primary aim of this study is to develop a robust and accurate auxiliary diagnostic system for breast

Big Data Analyzing Techniques in Mathematical House Price Prediction Model

Aim:             To design and develop machine learning algorithm to predict house price Abstract:             The Chinese house market has

BMNet-5: A Novel Approach of Neural Network to Classify the Genre of Bengali Music Based on Audio Features

Aim:           The proposed BMNet-5 is based on a neural network designed to predict music genre from audio inputs Abstract:

Comparative Analysis of Customer Loan Approval Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms

Aim:         To determine the customer loan approval system using machine learning algorithms. Abstract:       Loan approval is a very

Comparative Analysis Study for Air Quality Prediction in Smart Cities Using Regression Techniques

Aim:     To systematically compare and evaluate the performance of various regression techniques for Air Quality prediction in smart cities,