Showing all 12 results

A Blockchain-Based Crowdsourcing Loan Platform for Funding Higher Education in Developing Countries

Aim:                 The platform leverages blockchain technology to address the financial barriers hindering educational pursuits in these regions by providing

A Framework to Make Voting System Transparent Using Blockchain Technology

Aim:         We are presenting a new e-Voting System with Face Verification that will overcome the drawbacks of the current

A Secure E-Coupon Service Based on Blockchain Systems

Aim:         Our study aims to introduce a new e-coupon service that does not allow unauthorized forging of      e-coupons and

Agri-4-All: A Framework for Blockchain Based Agricultural Food Supply Chains in the Era of Fourth Industrial Revolution

Aim:           Our study aims to develop a blockchain-based web application that enhances transparency and traceability in the agricultural food

Blockchain and AI-Empowered Healthcare Insurance Fraud Detection: An Analysis, Architecture, and Future Prospects

Aim:            The main aim of this project is to detect Healthcare Insurance Fraud and eliminate using blockchain and machine

Blockchain-based Anti-Counterfeit Product Identification System

Aim:        Our study aims at Blockchain-based Anti-Counterfeit Product Identification System using QR Code for tracking and verifying authenticity of

BSFR-SH: Blockchain-Enabled Security Framework against Ransomware Attacks for Smart Healthcare

Aim:             Our study aims to introduce a Blockchain-Enabled Security Framework against Ransomware Attacks using Machine Learning to ensure high

Cost-Effectively Searchable Blackbox Data with Unlinkability Based on Public Blockchain

Aim:         The aim of this project is to propose a novel approach to create a cost-effective and searchable blackbox

d-BAME Distributed Blockchain-Based Anonymous Mobile Electronic Voting

Aim:           We are presenting a new e-Voting System with Fingerprint scanning that will overcome the drawbacks of the current

DOC-BLOCK: A Blockchain Based Authentication System for Digital Documents

The main aim of this project is to solve the problem of counterfeiting certificates we are proposing an digital certificate system based on blockchain technology and to verify the traveler’s identity using live camera, which allows faster convergence and more generalizable representations.

KiRTi: A Blockchain-based Credit Recommender System for Financial Institutions

Aim        The main aim of this project to remove the third party agent between the perspective lenders and perspective

Secured Electronic voting system using Blockchain Technology

Aim:           The aim of this paper is to explore the potential of Ethereum’s smart contracts in creating secure, transparent,