Image Processing
The objective of this workshop is to give exposure to digital image processing techniques. The applications of Image processing concepts are found in areas such as in machine vision, Biometric image processing, and remote sensing. This workshop will help the engineering students and enthusiasts/scholars to get trained in MATLAB based image processing The workshop is designed to stimulate students’ interest in Image Processing domain by engaging them in a completely purpose-driven study the environment with hands-on activities while fostering a sense of curiosity and accomplishment.
The workshop will be conducted by our experienced domain experts in your organization. The workshop is scheduled as a series of lectures and Matab exercises with supporting handouts. The students/ participants shall be assisted throughout the session. The Lab sessions are designed to very interactive so as to make the whole program effective and successful.
- Fundamental of Digital Image Processing
- Image processing Algorithms
- Image Processing in Spatial and Frequency Domain
- Ā Image Filtering
- Edge Detection and Segmentation
- Advance imaging techniques
- Ā Image Compression
- Project