Showing all 3 results

Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild Using Face Graph and Attention

Aim: Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  The aim of this study is to develop a robust facial expression recognition system capable of accurately detecting

LCDctCNN: Lung Cancer Diagnosis of CT scan Images Using CNN Based Model

Aim:Ā  To create a robust and accurate diagnostic tool employing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for the analysis of CT scan

Traffic Signs Recognition using CNN and Keras

Aim: Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  To detect and identify the Traffic Signs detection using CNN. Ā Abstract: Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Traffic sign recognition and detection are