Showing 1–12 of 19 results

A Machine Learning Framework for Early-Stage Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Aim:           To apply machine learning techniques result in improving the accuracy in the prediction of Autism Spectrum Disorder Abstract:

A Machine Learning-Based Classification and Prediction Technique for DDoS Attacks

Aim:           We proposed a complete systematic approach to detect DDOS attack using machine learning algorithm.  Abstract:           Distributed network

A Modular Ice Cream Factory Dataset on Anomalies in Sensors to Support Machine Learning Research in Manufacturing Systems

Aim:            The aim of creating a modular ice cream factory dataset on anomalies in sensors to support machine learning

Automated Smart Attendance System Using Face Recognition

Aim:      To detect and recognize the face using real time attendance system based on LBPH algorithm. Abstract:       Face

Auxiliary Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Based on Machine Learning and Hybrid Strategy

Aim:       The primary aim of this study is to develop a robust and accurate auxiliary diagnostic system for breast

Big Data Analyzing Techniques in Mathematical House Price Prediction Model

Aim:             To design and develop machine learning algorithm to predict house price Abstract:             The Chinese house market has

Blockchain and AI-Empowered Healthcare Insurance Fraud Detection: An Analysis, Architecture, and Future Prospects

Aim:            The main aim of this project is to detect Healthcare Insurance Fraud and eliminate using blockchain and machine

BMNet-5: A Novel Approach of Neural Network to Classify the Genre of Bengali Music Based on Audio Features

Aim:           The proposed BMNet-5 is based on a neural network designed to predict music genre from audio inputs Abstract:

Clinically Applicable Machine Learning Approaches to Identify Attributes of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) for Use in Low-Cost Diagnostic Screening

Aim:           To apply machine learning techniques result in improving the accuracy in the prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease. Abstract:

Comparative Analysis of Customer Loan Approval Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms

Aim:         To determine the customer loan approval system using machine learning algorithms. Abstract:       Loan approval is a very

Comparative Analysis Study for Air Quality Prediction in Smart Cities Using Regression Techniques

Aim:     To systematically compare and evaluate the performance of various regression techniques for Air Quality prediction in smart cities,

Credit Card Fraud Detection Using State-of-the-Art Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms

Aim:          The main aim is to detect fraudulent transactions using credit cards with the help of ML algorithms and