Showing 37–39 of 39 results

Transfer Learning Strategies for Credit Card Fraud Detection

Aim:         The main aim of the project is to identify the Credit card Fraud transaction that has been initiated

WIPE: A Novel Web-Based Intelligent Packaging Evaluation via Machine Learning and Association Mining

Our study aims to introduce the Web-Based Intelligent Packaging Evaluation (WIPE) platform, which uses machine learning and association rule mining to assess packaging performance in e-commerce. By analyzing customer reviews, WIPE identifies packaging defects, their causes, and effects, offering a dynamic, real-world alternative to traditional laboratory methods. By using a pre-trained BERT, it ensures precise predictions even with varying data quality. Additionally, the system captures the full context of customer feedback by generating dynamic word clouds, which visually represent common issues and sentiments, offering deeper insights into customer concerns.

Zomraty E-Blood Bank Android Application for Donors and Life Savers

Aim:         To raise awareness that individuals can save lives and improve the health of others by donating blood .To