      The main aim of this project is to control file duplication in cloud computing.
      Cloud storage as one of the most important services of cloud computing. Data ownership proof is an essential process of data deduplication, especially for encrypted data. But this scheme does not provide flexible deduplication control across multiple Cloud Service Providers (CSPs). In this paper, They propose a multiple cloud service provider (CSPs) in which the data owner will upload the file and the hash MD5 algorithm  is used to check data duplication during data storage at the cloud. CSPs. It can achieve data deduplication and access control with different security requirements. And also they have proposed a scheme called Provable Ownership of the File(POF).  The result it is security, effectiveness and efficiency towards data storage management.
Existing System:
    In existing system a heterogeneous data storage management scheme, which flexibly offers both deduplication management and access control at the same time across multiple Cloud Service Providers (CSPs). They evaluate its performance with security analysis, comparison and implementation. They use Attribute Based Encryption(ABE) to realize deduplication data access control managed by data owner. This scheme was to  solve the problem of access control .
- The security analysis and performance is not secure.
- They cannot overcome the issue of duplicated data storage in cloud computing.
- They cannot solve the problem of access control.
Proposed System:
        In this work, we proposed to storage across multiple CSP’s and preserve data security by managing deduplication. we also introduced a scheme called Provable Ownership of the File(POF). They enhance user privacy and improve the performance of practical deployment. The random hash code challenge is applied to verify data ownership, which can guarantee that the data holder really have the original data rather than its hash code.
- They provide security, effectiveness and efficiency towards potential usage.
- They provide to save the cloud storage across multiple CSP’s and preserve data security in encrypted form.
- They specifies a set of attributes to identify user and encrypts based on it.
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