         Aim of the project is to develop an assistive system for Alzheimer’s patient which is capable to remind the location of objects or devices when patient need it.
         Alzheimer’s is one of the diseases which are even more prominent in healthcare industry. An Alzheimer’s patient and their caretakers will face the lot of challenges in the day to day life. Even treating their disease is also challenging because of the health and mental condition of the patient.
         Because of the nature of the disease patient easily forget the name of the person, location object within their environment, to consume medicine and food. To reduce the burden, we develop a system which can help the patient to identify the location of object or device when they need it. A wearable device continuously transmits the video to local server that can detect the object with in the room. Name of the room can be identified by the BLE beacons placed within the room.
         Wearable device consist of Xtensa dual-core 32-bit processor, 2MP OV2640 camera, Onboard Low power BLE module, WiFi module and Momentary button attached with GPIO pins of processor. Each room is equipped with broadcasting BLE beacons. Whenever user enters within in the range of BLE, camera transmits the video frames to the local server via WiFi. Local server recognizes the objects and stores their location under the room name in cloud database.
         User mobile connected with the same database, user can fetch the data anytime. If user lost their mobile, by pressing momentary button user can trigger sound in their mobile.
Existing System:
         Existing system proposed a standalone assistive robot for elder and impaired people that able to recognize objects and pickup those objects with the help of robotic arm mounted on it.
Proposed System:
         Proposed system focused on mostly unnoticed area of healthcare industry, Alzheimer’s disease. This system combines the artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and wearable consumer electronics technologies. It operates on low power and gives the effective assistance service to the patient.
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