Digital India, a concept mooted by our Prime Minister, opens a vast trove of opportunities for the young IT brains. It is challenging and fulfilling, unlike the day to day chores of programmed productivity. The study below indicates the enormous risk in mooting a digital India, a country so vast, populated and vast majority illiterate.
With so little in monitoring and an almost nonexistent ombudsman to regulate and monitor the numerous financial institutions that are expected to control at least 80% of all financial transactions on a day to day basis, frauds and fraudsters will happen. With breaches increasing at alarming rates in developed nations, even US Intelligence Agencies with all their technology could not control, it is prudent on our part to expect much more to happen.
A paltry sum of Rs.10 removed from the purse of 1 crore Indians daily cannot be easily detected and the culprit caught.. Systems required to be developed to monitor suspect cash transaction from the service providers, bankers end, detected in time and payment held until verified.
Technology is changing fast and so are hackers and their methods. A select group of people, with the aptitude and intelligence to challenge these so called computer buffs using their skills for wrongful motives.
To understand Computer Forensics it is essential to understand cyber security, methods and technology. Learn old and current methods hackers use and find ways and means to challenge them. Above all it is also important to be able to foresee future attacks and methods by understanding the weaknesses within the system.
The future belongs to the Intelligence Cyber Security Professional, who can foresee and prevent attacks and also be able to analyze and detect and analyze an incident, so that future attacks can be prevented by plugging loop-holes.
According to Verizon’s 2012 Data Breach Investigations Report:
· 85% of corporate data breaches took weeks or more to discover.
· 92% of incidents were discovered by a third party rather than in-house staff.
· Thefts included financial and personal records, trade secrets, classified information, sensitive organization information, and more.
According to the Ponemon Institute’s February, 2013 survey:
· Security breaches have increased in severity and frequency in the past 24 months
· 64% of respondents cited a lack of in-house expertise
· 47% cited inadequate forensic capabilities as the reasons for failing to prevent the breach.
· As a result, (52 %) of respondents say the breach resulted in an increase in spending on forensic capabilities.
Career Scope:
A high paid career in Financial Institutions, large corporate bodies and Government Department, especially overseas assignments are sure possibilities for candidates who like to face challenge and work away from the norm.
Here are Some Jobs Titles available for this Career path:
· Computer Forensics Analyst
· Computer Forensics Investigator
· Computer Forensics Specialist
· Computer Forensics Technician
· Digital Forensics Specialist
· Forensic Computer Examiner