This project we are going to Provide Trusted Update on Traffic Status so that we can minimize the traffic jam based on blockchain techniques.
In this project we are a going to provide the service of Trust Management which means it is a communication system between various vehicles present in different locations. The main theme of this project is to minimize the traffic jam in road. By this system one user staying in a location can get the traffic update of his destination location without travelling there and based on that he can decide his/her journey and not only that he can also decide the path of his journey based on that traffic update. So that the users time will also be saved these sorts of projects helps in building a smart city.
Existing System:
In Existing System it provide the service of transmitting the traffic updates between two or more vehicles and the drawback in that system is we can have a complete trust in that message based on that collected information user has to guess and take an action. This collected information may be correct or may not because there is no surety for this so we decided to take a future enhancement as to provide trust level for the transmitted information’s.
Proposed System:
In this paper, we propose a trust level for the user who request for the traffic update and this will be more user friendly approach to users. This is done through analyzing all the possible updates from the users and then based on the collected information a calculation is done based on the majority of suggestions the final conclusion is sent to the traffic requested user and along with that the percentage calculation is also made out of hundred. So that it increases the trust level of the messages and provides a clear idea to the user.
Node creation and Network formation
RSU creation and building communication
Update traffic to RSU
Requesting Traffic Status
Software Requirements
Windows 7 and above
JDK 1.7
Tomcat 7.0
Hardware Requirements
Hard Disk      :          80GB and Above
RAMÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â : Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 4GB and Above
Processor        :          P IV and Above
Technology Used
J2EE (JSP, Servlets), JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AJAX.
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