        To tracks health parameters, including body temperature and blood oxygen saturation, then updates the smart phone app to display the user health conditions
         IoT in healthcare can be categorized as remote monitoring and real-time health systems. An IoT system for healthcare is typically composed of many sensors connected to a server; it gives real-time monitoring of an environment or users. Sensors can be used to help predict whether or not people are infected with the virus, based on signs such as body temperature and blood oxygen levels, Governments may try to use these platforms and information for permanent surveillance after a pandemic to control and track people’s behaviors.
Existing System
           User smart phone to collect proximity data using Bluetooth and to communicate with the server through the cellular data network. And a LoRa module for data communication in the absence of a cellular data network and Wi-Fi. The system then is synchronized with the software to monitor the user’s behavior during daily activities. The app can notify users of new restrictions and provide useful tips given by the health service and governments. Meanwhile, the app sends the participations’ body parameters for further processing. The app can display the heart rate, body temperature, blood oxygen saturation,
Proposed System
           The proposed system a low-cost and lightweight IoT node to monitor continually a person’s body temperature, heart rate, and blood oxygen saturation, a smart phone app to display the parameters and individual risk factors, a physical distance tracking mechanism using firebase cloud server technology to alert the user in case of violation of safe physical distance, a fog server that collects data from the IoT nodes and applies necessary information to users.
- The advantages of a fuzzy system are that it can handle uncertainty and its linguistic rules can be better realized.
- The region-based risk value can be calculated on the server using parameters such as the last time an exposed case was detected.
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