Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā The Mainstay of the project is to develop a robot which can be utilized in various process of agriculture.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā In order to improve efficiency and maximize crop yield in developing countries like India,there is a need to modernize and upgrade agricultural tools and techniques. One solution is the implementation of an automated, intelligent Agri -IoT system that utilizes solar power and monitors water usage based on soil moisture, temperature, and humidity levels. This system aims to optimize the use of natural resources such as water and solar energy, while also preventing the overuse of resources like electricity and water. The system can be controlled both automatically and via Bluetooth, and is designed to stop every 10 seconds in the field to allow for sensor readings. The robot module is powered by a battery that is recharged by a solar panel when not in use.The sensor module is the central point for the Agri-IoT system,collecting and updating data in the cloud. If parameters in the field fall below a certain threshold, the pump operation module will activate to maintain optimal conditions.
Existing System:
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Existing System has many protocol/message formats available for commercially available IoT sensors. Different vendors/solution providers use different protocols to communicate. Therefore, it is difficult to achieve interoperability. The existing plant disease detection technology is utilized to detect the disease that affects the plants. Humans manually watching and detecting the plant diseases and pesticides are spray over the all areas in the garden. In this method more time taken and lot of pesticides quantity wasted.
When moisture level is measured, the system checks whether the soil moisture value exceeds a threshold limit. If the soil moisture exceeds the threshold, the pump is turned off.
Proposed System:
The algorithm utilizes soil moisture, temperature, and humidity values to determine the operation time of the pump. When moisture level is measured, the system checks whether the soil moisture value exceeds a threshold limit. If the soil
Moisture exceeds the threshold, the pump is turned off. If the threshold is not reached, the system then checks the temperature and humidity values and, if the threshold conditions are not met, the pump operation time is determined and the pump is turned off for a specified period of time. If the threshold conditions are met, the system remains in the off state, and the Agri-IoT continues to monitor moisture levels throughout the field.
The detailed elements in the proposed model which contains the sensing elements as soil moisture sensor and DHT11 detects both temperature and humidity. The Micro controller is Arduino mega model to processes the sensed data driven by an external power supply of 9 to 12 volts. Based on the logic written on controller, it will drive the motors for appropriate action. The controller also pushes the data to Firebase cloud for remote monitoring of parameters using ESP32 module.
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