Showing all 6 results

A LoRaWAN IoT Enabled Trash Bin Level Monitoring System

Aim:            The main aim of the project is to monitor and manage the trash bin in Urban using Lora

Agri – IoT A farm monitoring and automation system using internet of things

The Mainstay of the project is to develop a robot which can be utilized in various process of agriculture.

Automatic Grass Cutting Robot Using Arduino And Ultrasonic Sensor

The mainstay of the project is to design and develop a robot based system that is used for trimming the grass which controlled by bluetooth and arduino microcontroller.

Automatic Grass Cutting Robot Using Arduino And Ultrasonic Sensor

The mainstay of the project is to design and develop a robot based system that is used for trimming the grass which controlled by bluetooth.

Hydroponic Power plant Monitoring Robot With Obstacles Detection



The aim of this project is to develop an autonomous robot for monitoring hydroponic power plants using line-following navigation and environmental sensors. The robot detects obstacles, identifies objects with an ESP32-CAM, and updates data to Firebase for real-time monitoring. It provides an efficient and sustainable solution for automating hydroponic farming operations

Smart IoT Based Pothole Detection and Filling System



          The main aim of the project to develop an automated vehicle that can control bluetooth and find automatically road impairments.Accordingly, once a pothole is found, a dispensing mechanism is initiated in order to fill the road cavity with the appropriate repair material.